Land use Integration
The vision of the KwaDukuza IDP is defined as follows and forms the basis for the future development of the municipality:
“By 2030, KwaDukuza shall be a vibrant city competing in the global village economically, socially, politically and in a sustainable manner.”
The IDP is aligned with national, provincial, and local development strategies within which certain action plans have been developed to ensure sustainable growth within the municipality.
According to the latest Land Use Management System (LUMS) for the area, that provides a consolidated and consistent system of managing development rights from a number of previous authorities and schemes a breakdown of the different land use zones as they relate to the KwaDukuza include the following.
Existing retail/commercial/office development rights account for some 1 737 515 m2
There is currently approximately 2 606 272 m2 of land that is zoned for industrial and logistics purposes.
Based on the dwelling count undertaken for the current exercise, it could be suggested that there exists a significant amount of potential capacity for intensification in most residential zonings.
The Rapid Urbanisation Zone is likely to absorb much of the future growth (population and housing) in the short to medium term, as the 2 177 ha that are contained within this zone currently only reflect a gross density of 2.66 dwellings per hectare.